Friday, December 22, 2006

Want to make some money?

I recently started a new blog solely for sharing information about making money online. In fact, I also chanced upon this wonderful opportunity. I don't think it is a scam since there's no risk involved.

Read all about it here.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Confession of a Shopaholic

Crap!! I really just don't know what to do with myself! I blew a whopping $277 on 2 vintage-inspired dresses - and the worst thing is that they're not even branded!!They're from a tiny li'l store in Suntec called Veil and their stuff are imported from HK, Japan and Korea. My original intent was to check out a sweater on display that had caught my attention. However, upon entering the dimly-lit store, my attention was automatically averted to the bracket of quaint vintage-styled evening dresses that were so neatly arranged and classified on the racks according to color. I briefly perused through the entire collection and piled a heap of dresses to try. I fell in love with most of the pieces that I tried - They were all so figure-flattering! I finally gave in to my compelling desire and decided to buy a black knee-length dress. Just when I was about to make payment, the salesgirl told me that I would get a discount card for a minimum of $250 spent in a single receipt. That did it!!! I hastily grabbed the other dress that I was eyeing (there was only 1 piece left) and told her to add it in - the 2 items were mine with the swipe of my credit card.

Yeah! I finally have something to wear to Xiao Xuen's wedding. All that's missing is a pair (or two) of shoes, bags and accessories to match.

My confession of my guilt trip to Lyn stirred her inner "Shopaholic". She immediately sent me an e-vite to go shopping the following day. Looks like there's a Rebecca Bloomwood in all of us - its just that its more apparent in Mabes and I.

We finally hit the shops (4 days later than the actual intended day). She began browsing intently and before I knew it, had already made her way to the fitting room with 2 dresses and a skirt. She had her mind set on getting the skirt - a beige knee-length one with a brown velvet belt.

Lyn's focus then shifted to a versatile long gold-and-silver necklace with tiny clusters of pearls that could be worn in a number of different ways and a small yet classy 1920s-inspired necklace made of tiny black rhinestones set in black-tinted silver. She was now faced with the dilemma of which necklace to get. At long last, she succumbed to her "inner shopaholic" and decided to get both!! What's even more astounding is the fact that she convinced me to get a pair of red shoes (which come in an oh-so-cute shoebox) - something which I wouldn't normally have the guts to buy, let alone wear.

OMG!! What have I done??? I think I've just created a monster!! It was as if I was looking at myself through the mirror. Looks like I'm not alone after all!!! I feel so relieved! There's DEFINITELY a Rebecca Bloomwood in Lyn Woon too!!! Woo!! *Groan!!* Now I gotta worry 'bout my credit card bill!!!


Monday, December 11, 2006

X'mas in Aberdeen

14 Days to Christmas!

Every city in the world has its own way of celebrating X'mas and spreading the X'mas cheer. Here in Aberdeen, X'mas is celebrated by almost everyone. This has got to be the only time of the year where you have to jostle your way through the masses along Union Street.

I too, made my way to town yesterday and had an absolutely smashing X'massy time there!

Trooping along Union Street, we came upon a cute little red "Santa train" “choo-chooing” on the road in the opposite direction. Merry looking shoppers were being shuttled along, waving happily from their vantage points, glad to be able to put their tired feet up for a change. . Following a short distance behind were three limousines in succession, in the colours of pretty pink, snowy white and lemony lime. Talk about shopping in style! I know what my next mode of shopping transport’s gonna be!! And in pretty pink too, no less! Along the way, we were passed by Santa, Bozo the clown and….. a pink elephant(!)….. Oh er, sorry, the last one was my imagination, must be the freezing cold…..

Castlegate loomed at the end of Union Street, so named because of the looming castle (duh!). A small but cosy traditional German X'mas Market set up shop there. The aroma of mouth-watering food greeted the cold, weary shoppers, with stalls ranging from traditional German sausages, beer, hot malted wine with shots of rum, Asian cuisine, grills, Paelle from Spain and haribo sweets for the sweety-toothed…. Yummy! Don’t know about you, but food seems to taste especially good when you’re outdoors , in freezing winter. Souvenirs in all variety, shapes, and sizes from different parts of the world were on display and for sale, of course, as well. Didn't manage to snap any pictures cause my Ixus battery chose to die on me at the most inopportune time, thus giving me another convenient excuse to go back to the markets (no complaints from me of course!) I’ll try to take some smashing pics this week! Overall, had a fantabulous time at the Market, eating and drinking and making merry, with “Jingle Bells”, “White X’mas and “Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer” chiming in the background. Best part of all, it was really COLD!! No way you're not gonna be able to enjoy this market in hot, humid weather (like in Singapore). Now that’s real X’mas for you!! Heehee. *hint hint to friends to come spend X'mas with me* Only thing missing was the snow…….

Having been thoroughly filled with the X'mas spirit, I came home and decided that we should have a right go at assembling the X'mas tree that we bought a couple of days back. This house sure could do with some sprucing up! Santa’s gonna want to visit and never leave! Ho! Ho! Ho!

As I had never assembled a X'mas tree in my entire life (can you believe that???? Shocking!!!) , I had absolutely no idea what I was in for. For those of you who are in the unbelievable position of never having put up a X'mas tree as well (simply placing decorations on the tree doesn't count!), and are about to purchase and assemble one on your own, please make sure you get some professional and trained help!! It took me almost 2 whole hours to assemble and decorate the entire tree! MAN, I was certain I had never worked so hard in my life!!! Even my 3 hour long gym sessions (complete with rigorous body-combat and back-breaking body pump classes back-to-back, no less), seemed like a walk in the park compared to this.

I was literally grumbling throughout the entire process (hmmm, not really in keeping with the X’mas spirit, I would say) and lamented my decision to get the tree in the first place. But, once everything was done, I laid back on the couch and admired my masterpiece, satisfaction amidst all that dripping sweat, all that hard work miraculously forgotten…. Merry Christmas, indeed!



Saturday, December 9, 2006

The Soulmate Principle

OMG! Kudos to Mabes for setting up the blog. Its been the longest 2 months of my life! 58 of the most boring days ever, without my "Evil Twin". I feel so lost and lonely in her absence. I tellya, no one can ever fill her shoes - not ever. Apart from our external morphology, we're each other's' mirror-image'. Open our closets and one would be able to pull out identical articles of clothing (same brand, colour and size) - which we had bought separately on different occasions. Even our digital signatures were similar! I sometimes wonder - would we have fallen for the same guy if Mabel wasn't attached/married when we embarked on our extraordinary friendship? That would have marked the beginning of a huge disaster!!!

We're soulmates, alright - companion soulmates or soul friends, to be more precise. What are soul friends?? Well, according to Arianna Moonlightshadow,"these are the souls that become your best friends. Those lifelong friends that stick with you no matter what. You feel very comfortable with these souls and have a unique understanding for each other through both good and bad times. You care deeply for each other but not in a romantic way usually. Sometimes you may share a spiritual group with them as well and together as a circle of sisters or brothers, you possess a very powerful connection and ability for magick. You may find that you finish each other's sentences and just know when something is wrong in their life. It's an incredible experience to find these soulmates from your group and we may even from life to life share with different members of the group in this way. I imagine that is one of the ways that we connect with everyone in our group."

"The main thing is that there will be a few very special people that you connect strongly with in this life. Learn what you can from them and appreciate what they have brought to your life. If you feel like you've found one of these very special souls and it doesn't last your whole lifetime for one reason or another, don't be so hard on yourself or question your instincts about them. There's a good chance that they were one of your soul connections and maybe they shared all that they were supposed to in this life with you. Life is about learning and the love that we share with those around us. These are the things we will take with us when we leave this world. "

I couldn't agree more with the above-mentioned theory. Our uncanny likeness is too much of a coincidence. Perhaps we were siblings/twins (or maybe even the same person) - 2 pple who were somehow connected and crossed paths in a previous life. Does it seem too far-fetched???

Now that we reside on 2 different continents thousands of miles apart, will either one of us change/evolve to in response to the the ever-changing dynamics of our lives and deviate from the other? Where do our similarities end? Read more about our journeys and adventures and decide for yourself.


Friday, December 8, 2006


Finally, this fabulous blog is up and running! As you can see, this blog is administered by 2 chics who have more in common than any 2 other persons in the world. And, they are not sisters, not old friends (meaning friends for more than 5 years), not even of the same age, did not go to the same school, and are not even of the same age!!! Now, they are not even living in the same countries.

So, who are we? And how did we get to know each other or even realize that we have 99% of similar interests in celebs, shopping, clothes, movies, etc.. You name it, we've got it!

I was a newcomer in this company that we used to work for. We were never really formally introduced, so never really "chatted" other than the usual ("hi", "bye").

Until one fine day, this girl came up to me and exclaimed, "OMG! You've got good taste! I almost bought that dress. It looks great on you!!" All i could think about was, "Oh cool! But maybe she was just being tactful and courteous."

Then, as time went by, we started lunching together and of course, when u lunch, u tend to chat. You know, create conversation and try to keep it going? It was terribly easy with this girl! We couldn't stop rattling on and on about stuff. What's scary was that we even had similar habits which we both thought were weird (which I'd rather not mention here *grin*).

Lunch together once a week became twice a week, and soon it was everyday. Of course, we never spent all 2 hours eating. It was more shopping than lunching. Yes yes.. we're major SHOPAHOLICS!!

Sigh... we've only became great friends for about a couple of months when I realise I had to leave Singapore to come to the UK. So, we decided that we should setup a blog to call our own. So, this is where we are now.

Oops, forgot to introduce thyself... I'm Mabel and my soulmate is none other than G3!
I have had many friends from school whom I still keep in touch with. Some very good friends, but none like G3, whom I share so many interests with. Its creepy to think about how much we have in common. Are we what you call soulmates?

According to Wikipedia,

Soulmate (or soul mate) is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, friendship, love, intimacy, sexuality, and/or compatibility.

A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul - thought to be the ultimate soulmate, the one and only other half of one's soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join.

However, not everyone who uses these terms intends them to carry such mystical connotations; they are sometimes used simply as an expression of strong emotional feeling for someone.
Will try to blog again tomorrow.
